The Property Practitioners Bill follows on a Concourt order dealing with changes to the Estate Agency Affairs Act. This bill provides for inspectors to vet books of practitioners. Much has been said about the inspection powers of inspectors: why would an honest practitioner not want an audit of his books/accounts done?


Employ us or else: The “construction mafia” which harasses and developers for work for its members, is spreading its wings. Whatever the rights and wrongs of this, the fact is that if one wishes to develop, one must consider the local community when employing.


The Building Index confidence indicator slumped to its lowest level since 2012. Building activity levels are down, which also impacts on employment retailers and the like.


The latest FNB survey holds that the average time a home remains on the market before being sold has increased to 16 weeks and 4 days in the 2nd quarter of this year. In Gauteng this period is 14 weeks and one day and, in the coastal metros, 20 weeks and one day.


Land return is all the rage: reportedly some 700 000 submissions have been received in the expropriation of land without compensation debate. Additionally, public hearings will take place. All this leading up to a decision that will be taken by September. Really? If one were to examine these submissions over two months, say a full 60 days, one would have to consider some 11 ½ thousand each day. The initial land claims process was marred by chaos and mismanagement: the current process is well publicised and pitched as consultation, but I cannot see due consideration being given to the very diverse viewpoints that have been raised in the given time.

This process has elicited really bizarre positions: traditional ownership, represented by Chiefs want their rights entrenched: seemingly blind to their stance leading to the parcellation of land by race/tribe and their profound misunderstanding of history. Virtually everybody seems to be on the free hand-up bandwagon: understandable but unaffordable. The latest bunch, the Basotho Petitioners, a group from Lesotho, have even petitioned Queen Elizabeth for the return of land that historically belong to them and which was situated in the Free State, KZN and the Eastern Cape. Why not petition Mr Buthelezi?