Despite the improving South African economic outlook, our average house price growth has declined fairly dramatically to 2.6% in the 1st quarter, down from 5% in the quarter before. I have little doubt that this is to a large extent attributable to a slowdown in the Western Cape (the prime semigration destination in South Africa) to 1.5% in the 1st quarter of this year. The slowdown must be attributable to the water issues in that area.
Business Insider reports that 7.4% of homes sold in South Africa in the 1st quarter of this year were sold as precursor to emigration. Interestingly, fewer persons selling wealthy homes emigrated than poorer persons; unfortunately no explanation was given for this.
Who can forget the lyrics in Fiddler on the Roof and, in particular, the song on Tradition. A recent report says that just 8% of the agricultural land in KZN is owned by women; as opposed to 71% which is male owned. This is despite there being more female-headed households then mail-headed household in this area. Redistribution is undeniably much more complex than handing over land to groups who were historically denied this. Part of the problem can probably be attributed to traditional androcentrism.
It has long been the practice of municipalities to issue rates certificates for periods in excess of 60 days in advance. The Chief Registrar has, in CRC 2/18, canned this practice. If a rates certificate is lodged it will be valid for 60 days from its issue. No shorter and no longer.
Whilst on the topic of circulars: the KZN Registrar’s Circular 2/18 makes provision that conditions, incorrectly brought forward in the early days of the latter part of sectional title conveyancing, may simply be omitted from new titles.
One cannot place a reserve price on a property where it is sold in execution. I was unable to find the reported on case, but it was said to be ex the High Court in Pretoria.