Conveyancing: some years ago, it became a practice requirement to refer to the 1971 Sectional Titles Act, rather than the 1986 Act in the first condition following the property description in sectional title deeds. We are now finding increasingly that our Deeds Office is insisting that, when a scheme was approved under the 1971 Act, the old format of the 15B(3) be followed when referring to the levy clearance certificate, rather than the current reference to the Sectional Titles Management act. If you are unclear about this, ask me for an example of each.
Fresh promises for the development of state infrastructure have been made: this might address the lack of confidence prevalent in the civil contracting sector evidenced by the latest BER index. An interesting footnote by FNB was that tender price competition had eased, probably owing fewer contractors remaining!
The Times reports that Ekurhuleni plans to expropriate 4 pieces of land without compensation. The stated intention is that the city wishes to test Section 25 of the Constitution.