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Articles and advice on all things legalSnippet 02-2025
Property Trends: The stagnant South African housing market is showing signs of recovery outside of Cape Town, with predictions of a possible price boom in the offing. Ooba reported a 30% surge in home loan applications for November. If our interest rate is cut,...
Snippet 01-2025
Property Trends: Regular readers of property news will recall that especially (the average) South African residential property prices are in decline, when compared to our inflation rate. South Africans are not alone in this position, as may be seen from the following...
Snippet 20-2024
PropertyTrends:Our residential rental market reflects the increasingly positive market outlook and stood at a record low vacancy rate of 5.07% in Q3/2024.Similarly, Growthpoint reports declining office rental vacancy space, stating that coastal regions outperform...
Snippet 2024-19
PropertyTrendsFNB reports that fewer South Africans are immigrating out of the country of late with such dropping from 8 to 7% now, down from 14.2% in Q1 2019. It also says that there is an uptick in, especially, the affordable housing market, owing to stronger market...
Snippet 2024-18
PropertyTrends:Consensus has it that the tide is turning in the property market – whilst this may be so, there is little of this yet aside from interest. Investors are reportedly piling into the listed property sector to take advantage of the coming surge.Whilst...
Snippet 2024-17
PropertyTrends: With inflation seemingly under control, the expectation is that more aggressive interest rate cuts will follow, which should stimulate our property market.The residential market has stabilised, with isolated spots showing real price increases, such as...
Snippet 2024-16
Practice News Legal PractitionersDr Hlope has been in the news quite often of late; the MK party’s application for leave to appeal the decision that Hlope be prohibited from serving on the JSC will be heard on the first November.Dali Mpofu SC is a well-known...
Economy/businessTrendsA rising economic tide? Shakespeare could have been referring to our economy: “There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune…”It has been 14 years since our real economy has had a rising tide – but change is...
Snippet 2024 – 14
Economy/businessTrendsBusiness appears to anticipate a repo rate cut in September by our Reserve Bank. Strangely, the Bank of America reportedly expects our Reserve Bank to start cutting interest rates soon – by 25 basis points at each of its following four...
Snippet 13 – 2024
Economy/businessTrendsThe IMF predicts a slowdown of the world economy to 3.2% – KPMG estimates a slowing to 2.5%. Our economy shrank marginally by 0.1% from the expected 0.7% to 0.6% growth in the first quarter of this year – the IMF predicts our growth for the year...
Snippet 2024 – 12
Economy/business Trends Our inflation rate seems to be abating with food prices especially having taken a significant turn for the better. The Reserve Bank governor reiterated an intent to lower our inflation rate (some 5.2% in May) to a midpoint average of 4.5. The...
Snippet 2024 – 11
Economy/business Trends: An economic inflection point? From a BusinessTech talk on change, I learnt that from 30 years ago, some 75% of the then JSEs biggest businesses, have not survived. 85% of those then big businesses, have fallen out of the JSE top 100 listed...
Snippet 2024 – 10
Economy/business Trends: Our economy contracted ever so slightly in the first quarter, but there is hope: the predictions are that our economy will pick up in the second half of the year, with Nedbank predicting a 0.9% GDP growth for this year.The SARB business cycle...
Snippet 2024 – 9
Business Trends: Our SARB Governor says that our economy is not growing – at 0.6% growth thus far this year – and our living standards are falling. Taking inflation into account it is said that South Africans now earn on average what we did in 2006. Growth is limited...
Snippet 2024 – 8
Economy/business Trends: The first quarter, economically speaking, has come and gone. Data from Stats SA show a steep drop in manufacturing output, primarily owing to a steep decline in the production of motor vehicles and accessories. Unfortunately, this decline is...
Snippet 2024 – 7
Practice News: RAF (en route to newsmaker of the year) The RAF has a backlog of 321000 claims. The application to review the AG’s disclaimer of the RAF’s 20/21 annual financial results, has been set aside.The RAF reacted to this judgement by stating that the court had...
Snippet 2024 – 6
Business Economic trends (grim and getting worse): Our economic growth is painfully slow (the World Cup bank is optimistic in setting a recovering growth rate edging to 1%) With inflation edging up towards the 6% the upper range target of the Reserve Bank is a portend...
Snippet 2024 – 5
Business Trends: Our SARB Governor says that our economy is not growing – at 0.6% growth thus far this year – and our living standards are falling.Taking inflation into account it is said that South Africans now earn on average what we did in 2006. Growth is limited...